Essential Oil of the Month: Lemon Peel
Welcoming in the New Year with its quintessential fresh, clean scent is Lemon Peel with its radiant, reviving, and energizing properties to bring in a fresh start to 2023!
Lemon is well known for:
cleansing properties, supporting clean endings and fresh beginnings (to clear the slate for a new year)
energizing properties, like a ray of sunshine (to achieve goals)
ability to help us focus, supporting clear and rational thinking (for goal setting and follow-through)
combatting stress and anxiety (to boldly forge a new path)
as a bonus, it is thought to bring good luck!
Lemon oil is most commonly extracted by cold pressing the peel. If you have ever twisted a lemon zest and seen the resulting spritz, you have witnessed the lemon oil being released from the lemon skin’s pockets. It may also be extracted by distillation.

Sometimes referred to as “sunshine in a bottle,” Lemon’s antibacterial and antiviral properties make it an excellent choice for a diffuser. It can help clear the air and give your home that fresh, clean feel. In fact, studies from Japan have shown that when Lemon is diffused in a work environment such as an office or bank, worker errors and absenteeism are reduced by 54%. In addition, it is known to reduce stress and anxiety. A 2006 study (PubMed June 15) performed on mice showed that lemon essential oil was a powerful calming and mood-improving agent during three stress test experiments. The same study concluded that lemon essential oil was more effective at relieving stress than other essential oils such as lavender and rose.
Uses Throughout History: Thought to originate in Asia, the tree was brought to Europe by Alexander the Great in the 4th century BC. Initially it was used ornamentally until its useful properties were discovered. Its use by sailors in the Royal Navy to alleviate scurvy and other vitamin deficiencies is historically well-known. Christopher Columbus is credited with bringing lemons to the Americas in 1493 in the form of seeds which were spread through the Spanish Conquest. From 1956-1957 Arizona produced eleven million gallons of frozen lemon concentrate. At the time, California and Arizona were the top two lemon producing states.
Lemon Product Suggestions
Precautions: As it can cause skin sensitivity, it is best to do a skin patch test before applying. Do not use neat (undiluted) on skin or before sun exposure, as it can increase photosensitivity.