Essential Oil of the Month: Geranium

Essential Oil of the Month: Geranium

Published by Sherrie Dawkins on 1st Mar 2025

Essential Oil of the Month: Geranium

Geranium: (Pelargonium graveolens)

“When the spirit is hidden, like a frightened child, geranium offers its warm hand of comfort, opening our hearts and memories, and healing the pain.”

- Valerie Ann Worwood

Geranium’s crisp, herbal, green and somewhat rosy scent is harmonizing to mind, body and emotions, and can promote a general sense of well-being. It has been valued for centuries to encourage solace, balance, assurance, and tranquility. It can bring a feeling of being cushioned, soothed and mothered. Its grand message is “BALANCE.”

Although there are hundreds of species of geraniums (botanically classified under the genus Pelargonium), only a few varieties are commonly cultivated and used for essential oil. Geranium essential oil contains varying levels of citronellol, geraniol, and linalool, depending on the species and region. These component differences in these varieties as well as where they are grown and harvested influence their varying scent profiles and specific properties. 

Scent Variations:

  • Egyptian Geranium is known for its fresh, herbaceous aroma with slight minty undertones, and has a more green and herbaceous character.
  • Rose Geranium from Egypt is lighter, sweeter, and similar to the fragrance of true roses.

  • Bourbon Geranium (from Réunion Island) is known for its deeper, sweeter, and more luxurious floral profile. It is considered premium-grade and is highly sought after in perfumery.
  • Chinese Geranium offers a more citrus-like fragrance. It is typically lighter and less sweet than Bourbon or Egyptian varieties, often used in affordable skincare products and aromatherapy.
  • Moroccan Geranium has a sweet and soft aroma, prized in perfumery.
  • Madagascar also produces high-quality rose geranium oil, with characteristics similar to Bourbon Geranium due to the island's climate and soil conditions.

In addition to species, variety and region, how the plant material is harvested and distilled can influence the final aroma. Traditionally the younger flowering tops and leaves are steam distilled. When and how older parts such as stems are distilled can produce either a more lemony or more rosy scent. Such a complicated process!

History of Geranium:

In the 17th century Dutch traders brought Geranium plants from Africa to Europe, where they were initially grown as ornamental plants in gardens and greenhouses. Over time, European herbalists recognized the plant's therapeutic value and began using its leaves and extracts for skin care, respiratory support, and balancing emotions.

The first essential oils from Geranium were likely distilled in the 18th century, becoming hugely popular in France, where perfumers and apothecaries embraced geranium oil for its fragrant, rose-like aroma and healthful properties.

In the 19th century, Geranium essential oil gained prominence as a cost-effective alternative to expensive rose essential oil in perfumes and cosmetics. Even today it is often used to “extend” the natural rose fragrance at a lesser expense.

Spiritual and Energetic Attributes

Throughout the ages Geraniums have been associated with harmony and protection, often being planted around homes to ward off negative energy and pests. The flowers symbolize friendship, comfort, and balance, aligning with the oil’s spiritual qualities.

  • The rosy, floral aroma of Geranium resonates with the heart chakra, promoting love, self-love, compassion, and connection.
  • Geranium is connected to the divine feminine and lunar energies, representing cycles, intuition, and nurturing qualities to alleviate negative energy or misunderstandings.
  • Geranium is said to enhance intuition and promote vivid dreams, helping to reveal subconscious truths.

Creating a Love Ritual

  • 3 drops of Geranium and 1 drop Rose oil in a carrier oil (like jojoba or almond oil) and/or in a diffuser.
  • A rose quartz crystal (for amplifying love energy)
  • A green or pink candle (representing the heart chakra and love)
  • A small bowl of water or rosewater (optional: float rose or geranium petals)
  • A journal or piece of paper for reflection and intentions
EOOTM Geranium

Apply a small amount of oil mixture with loving intention to the heart chakra using your fingertips.

Feel the love energy emanating from your heart chakra and filling your spirit with divine love.

A Love Ritual - to open the heart chakra, invite in love and self-love, and leave you with an enhanced sense of well-being. Also to amplify the energetic connection to Venus, the planet and goddess of love, beauty and harmony. The Water Element represents emotions, intuition, and restoration. The color (pink or green) of the candle represents love, self-love, forgiveness, etc. and holds the energy of the Fire Element. Geranium and rose essential oils serve as the Air Element, while the crystal represents the Earth Element.

For Serene Dreams

to create a peaceful, harmonious and protective atmosphere, and/or to promote sweet dreams, add 2 drops of Geranium, 2 drops of Lavender and 1 drop Ylang ylang to your diffuser. Set near your bedside or a quiet place for meditation and introspection.

Geranium & Skincare

    • Geranium oil is prized for its ability to balance sebum production, making it suitable for both oily and dry skin.
    • It has astringent properties, which can smooth skin, reduce the appearance of wrinkles, and improve overall skin tone.
    • For glowing skin, add one drop of geranium oil to your moisturizer, serum, or face oil to help balance oil production and boost elasticity. (Be sure to do a skin patch test beforehand to make sure it agrees with your skin – no redness, etc.)
      Geranium oil has long been considered a woman’s oil, as it can be useful in many issues pertaining to women. However, I’m always surprised at how much men really love the scent. And everyone will enjoy the peace, harmony and BALANCE it brings.


      • Dilution: Always dilute geranium oil with a carrier oil (like jojoba or almond) before applying it to the skin. A 1 to 2% dilution (12 drops or less per ounce of carrier oil) is usually safe for adults.
      • Patch Test: Perform a patch test and observe for at least 24 hours beforewidespread use to check for any allergic reaction.
      • Pregnancy & Children: Not recommended to use during pregnancy, especiallythe first trimester of pregnancy. Consult a doctor before using geraniumoil if you’re pregnant, nursing, or planning to use it on children.

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