The Power of Intention
“Energy flows where intention goes.”
- James Redfield
Intention serves as the seed of creation. Every invention, achievement, or life change begins with a clear intention. By setting a strong intention, you define what you want to manifest, directing your energy to manifest it.
Just as sunlight focused through a magnifying glass can ignite a flame, intention focuses your energy to ignite transformation.
The power of intention is a transformative force that shapes reality through focused thought, emotion, and action. At its core, intention is more than just a desire or wish—it’s a purposeful and directed energy that aligns your inner world with your outer experiences.
Many spiritual traditions suggest that intention connects individuals to a universal energy or creative force. The Buddha considered intention as the driving force that shapes one’s reality: “For having willed, one acts by body, speech, and mind." By setting a clear intention, you align with this energy, inviting synchronicities and opportunities that support your desires.
Like steppingstones that you consciously lay down, your thoughts, intentions, focus and emotions will move to create a path toward your goals.

"Intention is the starting point of every dream—the seed of creation."
— Deepak Chopra
Clear intentions help you focus on your goals and give you the confidence to accomplish them. The subconscious mind responds powerfully to intention. When you set a clear and positive intention, it works in the background, aligning your thoughts, emotions, and behaviors to bring that intention to life. When you're clear about your intentions, you're more present in each moment, noticing opportunities, making decisions and taking actions that are in line with your desired path.
There is a psychological basis to this phenomenon which aligns with the Reticular Activating System (RAS), the brain’s mechanism for filtering information based on what you deem important.

Focusing intention to create an outcome involves aligning your thoughts, emotions, beliefs, and actions toward a specific goal. Harnessing the power of our minds and setting our intentions each day gives us an opportunity to break out of autopilot and greet each day with meaning and purpose. It shapes how you perceive and interact with the world. When you focus on a specific intention, your mind becomes more attuned to openings and experiences that resonate with it.
Visualization helps create a mental and emotional connection to what you’re wanting to manifest. It helps anchor your intention in your mind and creates a mental blueprint for success. Spend a few minutes each day imagining your goal as if it has already been achieved. Engage all your senses—see, feel, hear and even smell what success looks and feels like.
When you express gratitude as if your desired outcomes have already been achieved, it reinforces your belief in their realization. This approach, often called "acting as if," signals to your subconscious that your goals are within reach, which can align your thoughts, feelings, and actions to make them happen and thus create a fertile ground for your manifestations to take root and flourish.
“Intention is a force in the universe, and everything and everyone is connected to this invisible force."
- Wayne Dyer
By setting an intention, focusing and holding that in our minds, we may imbue essential oils and aromatherapy products with some of those attributes.
Hold the product in both hands. Inhale the scent and notice how it makes you feel, where it goes in your body. Then focus your intent, visualization, prayer or affirmation into the product. As it is said, “Breath is life”- Using this universal flow of energy, I like to breathe the intention into the product, feeling that the goal has been reached. Finish by giving thanks and gratitude.