The Power of Chakra Balancing

The Power of Chakra Balancing

Published by Nancy Griffin on 10th May 2023

The Power of Chakra Balancing

Chakras are energy centers located throughout your body, between the base of the spine and the top of the skull. The concept of chakras plays a key role in two ancient Indian healing systems, ayurvedic medicine and yoga. Each of the seven chakras has specific physiological and metaphysical functions that relate to both the nature of associated blockages and to the physical problems they produce.

  • First Chakra (muladhara). Known as the root chakra. Located at the base of the spine, linked with basic survival and with the adrenal glands. It is associated with the color red and the earth element
  • Second Chakra (svadisthana). Residing in the genital region, this chakra is linked with sexuality and with the reproductive system. It is associated with the color orange and the water element.
  • Third Chakra (manipura). Situated near the navel, this chakra is linked with the pancreas and solar plexus. It is associated with the color yellow, the fire element, and power in the world.
  • Fourth Chakra (anahata). Associated with the heart and the immune system, this chakra believed to be the seat of love and compassion. It is associated with the color green and the air element.
  • Fifth Chakra (visuddha). The fifth chakra, situated in the throat area, is associated with the color blue, and communication.
  • Sixth chakra (ajna). The, also known as the "Third Eye," is said to reside in the forehead. It is associated with hormonal production, the color indigo, and intuition.
  • Seventh chakra (saha srara). Known as the crown chakra, located at the top of the skull, associated with elevated spiritual consciousness and the color violet.

The balanced flow of energy through the chakras is essential for physical, emotional, and spiritual health. Various practices such as yoga, meditation, and visualization are used to open and balance the chakras.

Chakra Balancing

Balancing the chakras is believed to promote general health and well-being by ensuring the free flow of life energy (also known as prana or qi ) throughout the body. It is believed that blockages in the chakras will eventually result in mental, emotional, and/or physical illness. Balance in the chakras is similar to the medical term homeostasis, from the Greek words for "same" and "steady," referring to any process that living things use to actively maintain stable conditions necessary for survival.

Chakra balancing is achieved through a variety of techniques, including meditation, yoga, breathwork, sound therapy, and the use of crystals or other healing tools. The practice of chakra balancing is believed to promote physical and emotional healing, reduce stress and anxiety, increase energy and vitality, enhance creativity and intuition, and improve overall well-being. 

The Chakra Balance™ Collection

Body Bliss products in the Chakra Balance range work to activate and nourish the chakras. Products in the collection relate to the parts of the body corresponding to each chakra.

1. VITAL (1st Chakra) – ginger and rosemary

2. SENSUOUS (2nd Chakra) – grapefruit and jasmine

3. RADIANT (3rd Chakra) – lemon, amber, chamomile

4. HEARTFUL (4th Chakra) –geranium and rose

5. INSPIRED (5th Chakra) – mint and arnica

6. TRANQUIL (6th Chakra) – clary sage and violet

7. LUMINOUS (7th Chakra) – vetiver and ylang ylang


Chakra Balancing in the Treatment Room

Chakra balancing treatments, combining massage and energy work, are popular at luxury spas. More recently, adding gemstone therapy to these treatments has become increasingly popular. Spas can place essential oils and gemstones on the chakras of the body or ground the guest with gemstones underneath the treatment table, placing different gemstones to correspond to the chakras. Examples would be rose quartz or aventurine under the heart chakra and amethyst under the third eye or crown chakras.

Body Bliss now has chakra roll-ons that can be used in chakra balancing treatments, each roll-on having a corresponding gemstone that adds that energetic property to the blend. In a 5 ml size, the remaining product can be gifted to the guest when their treatment is over.

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